Ursa-Chemie Corporate Design - Sortiment bestehend aus Visitenkarte, Kugelschreiber, Stempel, Briefpapier, Website

Ursa-Chemie sharpens corporate design

New homepage, new slogan and consistent implementation of the corporate design as part of the corporate identity to sharpen the external and internal image.

About 2 years ago we started the project homepage redesign. A lot of work, which many know from experience. In the course of the project, a new slogan was developed to give the Ursa-Chemie brand an additional, modern recognition factor.

“Contract manufacturing as a strategy” became “CHEMISTRY. EFFICIENT. THOUGHT.” At the same time, the logo was modernized, with evolution rather than revolution being the motto here.

UCM Corporate Design vorheriger Blauton

Now the next steps follow consequently. In cooperation with the companies “Münz die Agentur” and “noll new media” new graphics for advertisements and new templates for Word and PowerPoint were created. New business cards were designed, the fair equipment was updated, up to new ballpoint pens and door signs.

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, regional awareness and external image are often crucial for successful recruiting. Therefore, one goal of the project is to significantly increase awareness within a radius of 25-30 km in order to later establish a supra-regional brand image.

Studies show that creating a good corporate image promotes success and has a major impact on sales and profits. Therefore, sharpening the corporate design was set as a strategic goal by the company management in the course of further developing the corporate image.

You still have an open question?

Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0

We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!

You still have an open question?
We are here for you

Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0
We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!