The management system for occupational safety and health care introduced in the company in 2009, based on and adapted to the international standard ISO 45001, was awarded the “Sicher mit System” seal of quality for the fifth time in succession by the BG RCI in a two-day audit by Mr. Buchwald, auditor of the BG RCI.
Efficiently organized occupational safety is a high responsibility of companies and is also becoming increasingly important as a competitive factor. After all, productivity and quality depend crucially on the health and motivation of the people who work in the company. In the area of conflict between customer requirements and legal obligations, operational processes can only run smoothly if safety and health protection are taken into account in a practical manner and continuously improved.
Systematic occupational health and safety and effective occupational health and safety management systems (OH&S) promise the greatest benefits. The basis for this is the moderated participation and commitment of as many employees as possible in the company, in order to precisely and professionally identify any hazards and risks, define protective measures, and install a practiced health care system.
Fire drills, first-aid training, hazard analyses, workshops, health days, information from health insurance companies and employers’ liability insurance associations, supplier information, employee training, tender examinations, inspections and many other topics, defined in partly interdependent processes, as the comprehensive occupational health and safety management system of Ursa-Chemie.
Congratulations to all employees for this joint success!