Not once but twice! For our environment.

Ursa-Chemie GmbH is certified according to the EMAS regulation and DIN EN ISO 14001 since the end of the 90s. We assume the higher effort to fully implement both standards for a better and more sustainable approach to our environment.

EMAS is result and solution-oriented. A pure management system tends to be more process- and system-oriented. This means that EMAS invites the organization to improve beyond the environmental legal requirements. Also, the standard and the regulation are different in their basics. EMAS is based on public law as a European regulation and DIN EN ISO 14001 is based on a private international standard. Both have the goal of continuous improvement. EMAS demands that employees be included, which is also useful by DIN EN ISO 14001. This means that the employees identify with environmental protection and live the environmental management. The annual environmental statement creates credible evidence for our interest groups and satisfies the standard requirements and the requirements of the regulation.

There are helpful synergy effects and benefits such as entry in public, national and international registers.

In summary for us, the requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001 with the requirements of the EMAS regulation result a successful environmental management system and both are important parts of our integrated management system.

You still have an open question?

Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0

We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!

You still have an open question?
We are here for you

Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0
We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!