Einblick in die wirtschaftliche Lage: Ein Rückblick auf 2024

Insight into the economic situation: a look back at 2024

In its December issue, the rz Wirtschaftszeitung recently reported on the review, developments and challenges faced by Ursa-Chemie GmbH in 2024. This article provides a fitting occasion to take stock from our perspective and provide an outlook for the coming year.

Looking back on 2024: mastering challenges, realising potential

The year 2024 is coming to an end for us at Ursa-Chemie GmbH. Despite a year characterised by uncertainty, we can look back on developments with satisfaction overall. Sales and demand showed a positive trend – good news in a volatile market situation. Nevertheless, we remain cautious: ‘Strong months are quickly followed by weaker ones. There are currently no signs of sustained stability or even major growth impetus,’ explains our Managing Director Andreas Möller.

An uncertain political environment

The general conditions remain challenging. Political upheavals, such as the election of Donald Trump in the US or the dissolution of Germany’s coalition of traffic lights, contributed to the uncertainty. There is also little stability at European level. ‘Our customers are reacting cautiously, orders are usually placed at short notice and only when there is an immediate need. There is hardly any willingness to take risks,’ says Möller, describing the current mood. Despite these challenges, we are appealing to our customers and partners to develop more confidence and trust in their own strengths. ‘Badmouthing and complaining won’t help. It’s about actively facing up to the problems.’

Success in marketing and sales

Despite the difficult situation, we were able to acquire new customers in 2024 – a clear sign of the attractiveness of our services. We also see further potential in this area in the coming year. We are continuing to work with confidence and commitment to strengthen our position in the market.

Strategic focus: digitalisation, sustainability and employee retention

In times of uncertainty, we set clear priorities: Investments in digitalisation, sustainability and environmental protection are at the top of our agenda. At the same time, recruitment and employee retention remain key issues in order to actively counter the shortage of skilled labour. ‘We want to further strengthen our brand as an attractive employer and are convinced that nothing works without chemistry. That’s why we at Ursa-Chemie think efficiently and with foresight,’ emphasises Mr Möller.

Outlook for 2025: realism paired with optimism

With the motto ‘Stay true to yourself and don’t let yourself be unsettled’, we are unwaveringly pursuing our strategic goals. Although expectations of political developments are muted – ‘Expect the worst and hope for the best’ – we are looking ahead with realistic optimism. Challenges also offer opportunities, and we will continue to do everything we can to capitalise on them.

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Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0

We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!

You still have an open question?
We are here for you

Margaux Zaufenberger
+49 2602 / 9216-0
We are looking forward to your call, your e-mail and the first contact with you, gladly also by Whatsapp!